You are very welcome to join us on a Sunday for Morning Worship. We begin at 9.30am and 10.45am most weeks with a 10.30am single on the third Sunday of the month and cater for all ages. We sing hymns and songs (some old, some new) accompanied by our church organist. You can listen or participate in prayers. A volunteer reads from the Bible and the minister gives a talk on it. We sometimes have dramas and other activities.

We try to make the first part of Morning Worship suitable for all ages. For the next part, if you are a child, you are invited to to attend our crèche and activites, or you can stay in the main service if you prefer.

After Morning Worship, we serve refreshments in the hall. You are welcome to join us and get to know a few people.

Once a month, we celebrate Holy Communion (The Lord’s Supper or Eucharist). On the first Sunday of March, June, September and December and on Easter Day. 

Our church has access for wheelchair users from the side door, an accessible toilet, a loop system for people with hearing aids and large-print service sheets and hymn books.

If you have young children, they are welcome at church. If you need to retreat at any point, there is a glazed, soundproof space at the back where you can see and hear what is going on. Toilets and baby changing facilities are in our halls.