

OPEN TO ALL Coffee and tea will be served in the Bill McDonald Upper Hall at the close of the Sunday service.   Everyone is very welcome.


MORNING PRAYERS ON TUESDAYS  We meet for prayers every Tuesday at 10.00am in the Newington Room opposite the Office.


CAFÉ TIME On Saturday 8 March there will be a Café Time for Mary’s Meals at Newington Trinity: Priestfield, from 10.00am – 12.00 noon.  Please come along and bring your friends for coffee, chat and home baking, to help raise funds for this amazing charity!  Donations of home baking would be much appreciated.  Please bring them along on the day. www.marysmeals.org.uk


PRAISE AND PRAYER This small group meets every two weeks at Newington Trinity - Priestfield.  Anyone is welcome to join others for this time of prayer from 7.30pm until about 9.00pm.  We next meet on 20 February. We pray together for a variety of topics. The starting point can be the prayer sheet which is produced every two weeks. There are also some specific requests, church activities, community, local, national and world issues. We have been particularly praying for the Union for months now. Also more particularly we have been praying for the Pioneer ministry and new minister. Whether you are new to praying or have prayed for years, this is an opportunity to grow in confidence and faith and also to encourage us all to keep on praying


BOOK CLUB   Joan Adam has suggested that the congregation of  Newington Trinity might wish to set up a book club with the aim of allowing members of Newington Trinity to share a love of reading, help build a community and learn from each other in a relaxed and enjoyable way.  She has experience of such a club elsewhere.  It might meet monthly (suggested in the afternoon). I will provide more details in due course but if anyone is interested in helping to develop this suggestion please either have a word with Joan 0893 311 3633 or jaukpark@gmail.com


MARMALADE SALE Christian Aid’s marmalade sale will be held after both services on Sunday, 16 March. Please don’t forget to bring cash, as well as bags to carry away your purchases. Every jar you buy will help Christian Aid pursue its aim: to create a world where everyone can live a full life, free from poverty.  If you have marmalade to contribute, we’d be very grateful! You can hand it in to the Newington Room between 10 and 11am, on Saturday 15 March, but if you’re unable to do so, please bring it directly to the stall on the day of the sale. Alternatively, contact Kate O’Brien on 0131 667 4362/ 07593 768 087 or kate.obrien@hotmail.co.uk  to make another arrangement. Please label your jars on the lid. THANK YOU! The Christian Aid Team


THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER this year has been prepared by the WDP Committee of the Cook Islands. Service will held on Friday 7th March at 2.30pm in St. Columba’s Catholic Church, 9 Upper Gray Street, Edinburgh.  The offerings given are used to support charities directly on the Cook Islands and charities in Scotland that work in the Cook Islands. Refreshments will be served after the service.       All will be made most welcome. Carole & Julia Newington Trinity Church.


THE BIG BETHANY SLEEP OUT Whether you're totally new to the event, or have slept out with Bethany nine times before, this is an event that challenges you. Leave your comfort zone and join us in raising awareness of the various difficulties and realities facing people experiencing homelessness in Scotland.  We'll be sleeping out in various locations across Scotland on Friday 21 March from 9.00pm. There are two options for signing up: Bethany Hero and Super Supporter. For further details call 0131 561 8930 or via the Bethany website at this link:      https://register.enthuse.com/ps/event/TheBigBethanySleepOut2025 


LIGHT SHINING IN DARKNESS Our Mission Partner, Rev Dr Stewart Gillan, Minister of St Andrew’s, Jerusalem, is speaking at Morningside Parish Church at 7.30pm on Tuesday 25 February. All welcome.


'A PLAIN MAN'S SOLIDARITY PILGRIMAGE TO PALESTINE'.     Monday 17 February at 1.00 p.m. in the Sanctuary of Edinburgh New Town Church, George Street. (formerly St Andrew’s & St George’s West). The people of Palestine will be on many people’s minds and in their prayers at the present time, and this is an opportunity better understand the issues.  Rev. Colin Douglas visited the occupied West Bank in December 2024 and will share his experience in a talk entitled “A Plain Man’s Solidarity Pilgrimage to Palestine”. All welcome.


ANNUAL LEAVE Sandy will be on leave Sunday 16 February to Friday 21 February inclusive.  Pauline Robertson will be on leave from 27 March to 5 April inclusive.


PASTORAL SUPPORT If you have any pastoral issues, including any suggestions for the prayer chain or if you wish to receive the prayer chain email, please contact Pauline Robertson DCS or Sandy Forsyth.


THURSDAY CLUB The next meeting is on Thursday 20 February 2025 in the Bill McDonald Hall at Newington Trinity - Mayfield when the speaker will be Anne Stenhouse     Writing Fiction for and about Women


CHURCH GIVING Our Quick Response code is a handy way of using your smart ‘phone or tablet’s QR app to link you to our Giving Page.  Once you have joined the Giving Page safeguards are still operative.   Those who would have wished to use it may make use of the offering plates situated in the vestibule and halls entrance, at the close of the service.  Regular and one-off donations are possible online at www.give.net/20311853   (scan the QR code) or please contact our Freewill Offerings Treasurer, Hugh Somerville on 0131 466 2446 or hs.somerville2@gmail.com


DONATIONS/COLLECTIONS Collections continue to be required of tinned and dried food (not fresh food) – and basic toiletries. If you would like to donate, there are marked buckets in the Halls entrance at Newington Trinity - Mayfield under the bench for bags of food to be placed in. Also located there or nearby are containers for Bethany and used stamps. There is a container for the collection of medical blister packs to the right of the big table near the vestry door. The collection for milk container tops is under the bench in the halls entrance, as before.


OUR NEXT MESSY CHURCH event for families is on Saturday 22 February  - from 4.00pm to 6.00pm at Newington Trinity - Priestfield. This time we’ll be looking at      ‘Following God with Abraham.’ A warm invitation is extended to all the families of our 9.30am Sunday morning congregation.  Do come along and enjoy the fun.


IMPORTANT NOTE! - THE EDINBURGH POLICE CHOIR CONCERT which was due to take place on 21 February in Newington Trinity Mayfield has been cancelled.


EDINBURGH NEWMAN ASSOCIATION  Monday 17 February at 7.30pm. I am writing to invite you to our next meeting of the Edinburgh Newman Association. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. Scott McKenna. Scott has been a Church of Scotland parish minister for over 30 years and has recently been appointed Spiritual Lead at Ayrshire Hospice.


The title of his talk will be Assisted Dying. A Personal Reflection. Our meeting will take place at our usual venue, Newington Trinity Church, 18 West Mayfield, Edinburgh EH9 1TQ. All are welcome. There is a suggested donation of £5 to help cover the cost of our meeting. With very best wishes and thanks for your support, Paddy Ferry (Chair.)



NEWINGTON TRINITY & SOCIAL MEDIA There already have been some changes. 

There is a new website www.newingtontrinity.org

William’s email is now office@newingtontrinity.org  His phone numbers remain  0780 801 1234 or 0131 667 1522

There is a new Facebook page: www.facebook.com/newingtontrinitychurch

The church YouTube page is: //www.youtube.com/@ChurchEdinburgh">www.youtube.com/@ChurchEdinburgh>

Other details remain the same A fuller list of contact details is at the back of the latest parish magazine (accessible on the website under ‘News/Parish Magazine’).

Please like, share and subscribe to these accounts if you can. Thank you.



Forthcoming Deadlines

Order of Service Next Week: Thursday at 10.00am

Next Parish Magazine: Friday 28 February 2025 at 6.00pm

www.newingtontrinity.org       Scottish Charity SC000785