Many find that membership of a House Group is the springboard for the exploration of their faith and is fundamental to their life in the church.
There are several groups and all are different in character, membership profile and study style. Meetings take place in an informal setting with others who are keen to explore their faith through study, discussion, prayer and fellowship. House Groups are open to all: those sure of their faith, those living with unanswered or unanswerable questions, those creatively living with doubt.
Each group organises itself and selects its own material, which might be Bible study, a book with a spiritual theme, a topical issue or a DVD or CD, perhaps with a study guide. Members of groups take it in turns to lead and host the group if they so wish, but all members sing the praises of House Groups as places of fellowship and support as well as being part of their spiritual journey. They are fun too: parties, shared meals and plenty of laughs along the way. Groups may also have the occasional day out. Here a group are on a day pilgrimage to the Scottish Borders
There are groups running on most days, in the morning, afternoon or evening, and at intervals of one week to one month, depending on what an individual group decides.
The convener, Diana Tudhope, will be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to join a House Group, or indeed start a new one. Contact Diana by telephoning - 0131 669 4189 or email - dtudhope@btinternet.com
House Groups may find the page on Silent Prayer helpful. Also helpful is Word of LIfe, pubished by the Church of Scotland Mission and Discipleship Council. This is a collection of prayers, devotions, blessings and reflections on how we pray.
In the Order of Service each Sunday at Mayfield Salisbury, the minister suggests 'Books for the journey'. Recent suggestions are noted below.
Title | Title |
Mark Oakley | My Sour-Sweet Days: George Herbert and the Journey of the Soul |
Rowan Williams | Luminaries: Twenty lives that illuminate the Christian Way |
Karen Armstrong | The Lost Art of Scripture: Rescuing the Sacred Texts |
Enzo BIanchi | Words of Spirituality: Exploring the Inner Life |
Marcus Borg | Days of Awe and Wonder |
Richard Harries | Haunted: Modern Writers and the Struggle for Faith |
Richard Rohr | The Universal Christ |
Harold Kushner | When All You’ve Ever Wanted Isn’t Enough |
Harold Kushner | When Bad Things Happen To Good People |
Ron Miller & Laura Bernstein | Healing the Jewish-Christian Rift |
Peter Stanford | Judas: the troubling history of the renegade apostle |
Sheila Upjohn | In Search of Julian of Norwich |
Patrick Woodhouse | Etty Hillesum: A Life Transformed |
Elizabeth A Johnson | Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love |
Diarmaid MacCulloch | All things Made New: Writings on the Reformation |
Finlay Macdonald | From Reform to Renewal : Scotland’s Kirk Century by Century |
Mark Oakley | The Splash of Words |
Heinz Schilling | Martin Luther: Rebel in an Age of Upheaval |
A N Wilson | Charles Darwin: Victorian Mythmaker |
David Foster | Deep Calls to Deep |
Alastair McIntosh | Poacher’s Pilgrimage |
Rowan Williams | Being Christian |
Jim Cotter (Compiled) | Etched by Silence: A Pilgrimage through the poetry of R S Thomas |
Philip Newell | A New Harmony: The Spirit, The Earth and The Human Soul |
Barbara Brown Taylor | When God is Silent: Divine Language Beyond Words |